These are the actresses we are thinking of using:
This is Saidah. We are thinking of asking Saidah to play our main character as we feel that she fits this role perfectly, as we pretty much based our main character on her, so it won't be difficult for her to act the way we want the main character to act. She is very good at keeping a straight face which is essential for this role and she can also create 'Jim Carrey' style facial expressions. She is also free when we are and so it is easy for us to meet up and film.
This is me (ignore the glasses they are Saidah's). We decided to cast me as the Doctor because we can easily plan our filming sessions according to our schedules. We also thought that it would be easier than looking for someone else who was willing to act and free when we were free.
This is Sadaf - Bareen's sister. We thought that she would be perfect for the 'Scary Lady' character because she is very outgoing and loud which suits our idea of this character. She is also willing to be in a strange costume and make-up. Plus, she is normally free when we are.
This is Bareen - my partner in this project (also wearing Saidah's glasses). We were contemplating whether to use Bareen as the doctor rather than me. However, we decided against it as she is even worse at acting serious than I am. So we decided to cast her as an extra instead. She will play the main character's friend.