We are now searching on 'www.urbanfonts.com' to find the perfect font for our title 'Sweet Dreams'. We picked out 3 different fonts that we liked and thought suited our film well by clearly showing the genre. Here were the ones we were considering:
We liked this font as we thought that it was cheerful and clearly showed the genre of our film. However, we thought that by using it we would only be targeting young females as the curly letters make it seem a bit 'childish' and 'girly'.
We liked this font as the 'bubble writing' style and the odd angles the letters are at represent the comedy genre well. This font would also appeal to both the female and male population. However, we preferred the font below for our actual title and so we decided to use this font for our company name instead.
We thought that this font would be perfect for our title as it has rounder edges than the one above, which makes it more appropriate for a comedy, and also has the 'bubble writing' style which also shows the genre. It is also quite bold and so will attract the audiences attention.
We liked this font as we thought that it was cheerful and clearly showed the genre of our film. However, we thought that by using it we would only be targeting young females as the curly letters make it seem a bit 'childish' and 'girly'.
We liked this font as the 'bubble writing' style and the odd angles the letters are at represent the comedy genre well. This font would also appeal to both the female and male population. However, we preferred the font below for our actual title and so we decided to use this font for our company name instead.
We thought that this font would be perfect for our title as it has rounder edges than the one above, which makes it more appropriate for a comedy, and also has the 'bubble writing' style which also shows the genre. It is also quite bold and so will attract the audiences attention.