Editing of filming session 1
After refreshing our memory on the editing process, we started to edit our first filming session. Everything is going smoothly, we have chosen most of the parts of the footage we want to keep and have cut it down to the amount we had planned.

Below is a video of the several reactions that we had Sadiah (our main character) act out. We are in the process of deciding which one to use. We have narrowed it down to two expressions that we like and are currently debating which ones would look better in the trailer. One is a serious confused expression whilst the other is an amusing comical 'Jim Carrey' type of expression. This decision is slightly difficult as we want to keep the trailer realistic and create sympathy for the main character yet keep it upbeat and funny.

This video also shows the reason why we chose Sadiah to play our main character - she can keep a straight face whilst acting and she can act similarly to Jim Carrey - producing comical expressions.
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